We are Lucia and Michal and your relax stay is our pleasure. You just say a word and we try to fulfil your needs. We are your friends, staying close, anytime you need us. We love nature and we do everything to make you feel at home. New home.
Are you looking for a unique place for a family celebration, anniversary, meeting with friends, or other special moments? At Forrest Glamping near Banská Štiavnica, we offer the perfect combination of comfort, nature, and an unforgettable atmosphere that you can only experience with us. The Genius Loci of the Forrest Glamping site guarantees that your guests will never forget your meeting.
In our new restaurant spaces, you can enjoy great food, a pleasant seating area, and at the same time, enjoy privacy embraced by the Štiavnické Hills, just a few meters from Počúvadlo. Whether you’re planning an intimate celebration in a small circle or a larger meeting with loved ones or colleagues, we’ll take care of everything – from excellent food to a pleasant atmosphere.
Experience unforgettable moments in the magical surroundings of Forrest Glamping. Contact us and we will be happy to prepare a tailored offer for you!
Zuzana2021-06-1310Overená Exceptional Anonymous2021-06-0610Overená Exceptional Mirka2021-05-3010Overená Exceptional Denisa2021-05-2610Overená Exceptional Henrieta2021-05-268,0Overená Very good Adam2021-05-2310Overená Exceptional Peter2021-05-199,0Overená Superb Bibiana2021-05-1710Overená Exceptional Hliboky2021-05-1310Overená Vynikajúce ☺Parádny prístup majiteľov, skvelé chatky, ochot a príjemné prostredie. Naozaj nemám čo vytknúť. Dokonca aj keď večer nešla elektrina (chyba bola mimo ubytka) tak nám volali a pýtali sa, či je všetko v poriadku. Skvelý prístup! Aneta2021-05-1110Overená ExceptionalPotvrdil: TrustindexOverený odznak Trustindex je univerzálny symbol dôvery. Len tie najlepšie spoločnosti môžu získať overený odznak s hodnotením nad 4.5, na základe recenzií zákazníkov za posledných 12 mesiacov. Čítať viac
We are Lucia and Michal and your relax stay is our pleasure. You just say a word and we try to fulfil your needs. We are your friends, staying close, anytime you need us. We love nature and we do everything to make you feel at home. New home.
Počúvadlianske jazero 2832
Banská Štiavnica
IČO: 52 174 654
IČ DPH: SK2121042638
(C) 2023 Forrest Glamping