Take a long rest and let the sun wake you up just on the right time. Sleep as long as you need to and then refuel your body energy with rich breakfast while enjoying pure nature view. Today is your day and only you decide what you up to.
When have you had enough time for your favourite book lately? Or your favourite music? Slow down! You have all day on your own. Staying in bed till noon? Fine. No one will make you go out.
Fancy a long walk in the woods? Or little wandering around old miner town Banská Štiavnica (protected by UNESCO)? Or maybe swimming in the fresh water of the old miner lakes? Or maybe doing nothing and just chilling.
Hungry? Try to prepare a tasty food on the open camp fire. As our grand parents used to do. Watch the fire, enjoy the pure taste of local farm food. A good food taste better in the middle of nature under the clear starry sky.
There is anything better than end up a day in the private hot tub with a starry sky view. Feel that? Only you and your own thoughts and the world stay still, for a second. Need more heat for relaxation? You can find it in a piece of Finland, that we brought to you here in our finish sauna.
Enjoy long and deep sleep in our comfortable “hotel like” beds. Only you, forest whisper and the pure nature scent.
We are Lucia and Michal and your relax stay is our pleasure. You just say a word and we try to fulfil your needs.
We are your friends, staying close, anytime you need us.
We love nature and we do everything to make you feel at home. New home.
Zuzana2021-06-1310Overená Exceptional Anonymous2021-06-0610Overená Exceptional Mirka2021-05-3010Overená Exceptional Denisa2021-05-2610Overená Exceptional Henrieta2021-05-268,0Overená Very good Adam2021-05-2310Overená Exceptional Peter2021-05-199,0Overená Superb Bibiana2021-05-1710Overená Exceptional Hliboky2021-05-1310Overená Vynikajúce ☺Parádny prístup majiteľov, skvelé chatky, ochot a príjemné prostredie. Naozaj nemám čo vytknúť. Dokonca aj keď večer nešla elektrina (chyba bola mimo ubytka) tak nám volali a pýtali sa, či je všetko v poriadku. Skvelý prístup! Aneta2021-05-1110Overená ExceptionalPotvrdil: TrustindexOverený odznak Trustindex je univerzálny symbol dôvery. Len tie najlepšie spoločnosti môžu získať overený odznak s hodnotením nad 4.5, na základe recenzií zákazníkov za posledných 12 mesiacov. Čítať viac
We are Lucia and Michal and your relax stay is our pleasure. You just say a word and we try to fulfil your needs. We are your friends, staying close, anytime you need us. We love nature and we do everything to make you feel at home. New home.
Počúvadlianske jazero 2832
Banská Štiavnica
IČO: 52 174 654
IČ DPH: SK2121042638
(C) 2023 Forrest Glamping